
Coca-Cola Internal Marketing Blog

Coca-Cola nützt Blogs zur internen Kommunikation.
Dazu habe ich einen Blog-Artikel vom Oktober 2004 gefunden.

Hier ein Bild des internen Blogs von Coca-Cola.
Coke Blog

From Micro Persuasion:

Today I discovered what appears to be a new blog that’s being developed for internal/knowledge management use by The Coca-Cola Company. At blog time, it was accessible via the list of recently updated blog links on the TypePad home page, so it’s fair game.

It appears that the site is being developed by Elemental Interactive, Coke’s online marketing firm. Perhaps they didn’t realize that blogs can be so public right away unless you password protect them.

The blog site has categories set up for online marketing, corporate blogging, and internet trends. It’s not clear if this was meant to be a site just for Coke or Elemental employees or if it has some greater purpose.

UPDATED: The site is now password protected.