
Future of Mobile Devices

It was great attending the DLD in Munich. The conference was extremely interesting and I met a lot of people from the blogging, web 2.0 and media industry again.

We are all excited about the iPhone created by Apple.

Apple Computer Inc. launched the iPhone and decided to drop the “computer” out of its name. I guess that as it entered the world of mobile phones computer was not the appropriate way of naming Apple. Nokia however … told me that we should not refer to the N Series phones as phones since they were NOT phones but ….computers. (via Martin)

I think the technology in the iPhone is great and exciting.
But now it is also clear that Apple has a really good Trend-Spotting network to find out the coolest idea.

Here is one example of the Multi-Touch Display presented in 2005.

And here you can see the latest developments by NOKIA….