
Timeline for Facebook Pages

Today Faceook introduced Timeline for Facebook Pages during their first FMC (Facebook Marketing Conference) in New York City.

Here are the core features facebook is presenting.

  • Brand your Page: Add a unique cover photo and showcase your most important news on your Page timeline.
  • Highlight what matters: Pin a new post to the top of your Page each week so people notice what’s important.
  • Manage everything in one place: See and respond to your recent activity and private messages right from the top of your Page.

With Timeline for Pages you don’t have the left navigation bar anymore so your famous Facebook Tabs get a new place.

The tabs of a facebook company pages will get more space. So your tab can be bigger than the normal 520px width. The full width of the new timeline for pages tabs are 850px (pixel). The width of the content area for the tab will be 790px.

Since today a few companies have already presented how timeline for pages will look like. Here are a few Examples: Olympic Games, Nike, Starbucks, Coca-Cola.