The DLD announced a new conference this week, called „DLDwomen – The Female Decade”. The inaugural event will take place in June 2010 at the centre of innovative technology in Munich, Germany. DLDwomen is organized by the DLD team as a new format and extension of the successful annual DLD Conference and builds upon its creative network and competence.
In the following Video Interview Steffi Czerny, one of the hosts of the famous DLD conference, talks about the passion behind this new event. She also explains what role Digitalisation, eHealth and Leadership plays in the era of “womenomics”. The interview was filmed at the Abu Dhabi Media Summit 2010.
The chairman of the event is Dr. Maria Furtwängler-Burda. DLDwomen is focusing on the “Female Decade” and the so-called “womenomics” and is about new opportunities, new markets, the new lifestyle and future developments of women’s role that are being influenced by today’s digital age and social transformation.
twofour54 is an Abu Dhabi government initiative and an integral part of its 2030 plan, which seeks to diversify the Emirate’s economy and establish the Emirate as the cultural capital of the Middle East. twofour54’s vision is to establish a sustainable Arabic media and entertainment content creation industry in Abu Dhabi; a regional centre of excellence which is internationally renowned. The aim is to stimulate creative and professional partnerships in the television, radio, film, publishing, online, mobile, music, gaming and animation industries.
The company provides a collaborative and supportive ecosystem that will allow the establishment of a world-class media industry for the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. The focus is on developing Arabic media and entertainment content by Arabs and for the Arab audience. twofour54 delivers its advanced cohesive infrastructure through three key pillars: twofour54 tadreeb (the training academy), twofour54 ibtikar (innovation and support) and twofour54 intaj (state-of-the-art production facilities) supported by business enabler twofour54 tawasol (one-stop-shop).
twofour54 has already attracted several of the region and world’s largest and most influential content creation companies. By the start of 2010, twofour54 had more than 60 partners, all of whom have recognised the vast opportunity that the Arab world represents for growth and has committed significant investment and resources to business initiatives that will be led out of twofour54.
And by the way the name twofour54 is taken from Abu Dhabi’s geographical coordinates, which are latitude 24 north, longitude 54 east. This name was chosen to symbolise Abu Dhabi’s strategic position within the Middle East, which makes it the ideal location for the centre of excellence for content creation in the Arab region.
About Tony Orsten
Chief Executive Officer, twofour54
In this role, Tony provides strategic leadership for the business in order to deliver on its mission of creating an ecosystem that will allow the content creation industry to flourish in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region.
Tony has more than 30 years experience in the UK and international creative content industry. He is an academy award winning television director, channel executive and innovative programming expert. At London Weekend Television, he won his first academy award with Network 7, a breakthrough TV format which put “serious” television back on the agenda for the youth audience. Tony joined the Abu Dhabi Media Authority in December 2007, taking a major role in the Abu Dhabi Government’s initiative to create a media and content creation industry in the Arab region.
Prior to joining twofour54, Tony created, developed and launched successful television products and entertainment channels for Paramount Pictures Inc across Europe in Spain, Italy, Poland and in the free TV market of Germany, which serves 34 million homes.
In September 2006, Tony joined the founders of Skype to launch Joost, the world’s first broadcast-quality television platform on the Internet. He led the UK content team from the Joost UK London offices. Previously, Tony was the CEO of MTV Networks International’s portfolio of entertainment channels including Paramount Comedy UK and Paramount Comedy Espana.
After the panel discussion I talked with Tom Stewart about the key topics and results.
The panel was about the combination of leapfrogging technologies and emerging markets. This powerful combination creates new markets which are much larger than they ever were and an rapid expansion of media markets. At the same time we have dramatic changes in media technologies moving from print media to digital media. This development does not only offer unthinkable opportunities, but also creates much more risks.
During the panel discussion James Murdoch, Chairman & CEO of Europe & Asia News Corporation, said that News Corp. is preparing for a “Revolution of Reading” due to eReaders, tablets and digital media. In our future vision video “Mobile Future 2020” we estimate 2016 as the year of digital newspapers, but maybe News Corp. is driving these new markets even faster then we thought.
At the inaugural Abu Dhabi Media Summit 2010 I met Hans Vestberg, President and CEO or Ericsson. He gave a speech about the future of mobile media and communication and gave an outlook of key trends.
The biggest opportunity field for Ericsson is the business of “connected devices” or how we would call it “the internet of things”. “We think that the networks are now developing. Our vision for 2020 is that there will be over 50 billion networked devices”, says Hans Vestberg during my interview with him.
The Healthcare, Energy, Logistics and Media Industry will be using connected devices soon. Chipsets are getting more and more affordable to be implemented in any device. Mobile phones won’t be the only devices with a sim card anymore.
Vestberg says that we are moving from “People to People” communication to a new era of “machine to people” and “machine to machine” communication.
See the full interview here:
About Hans Vestberg:
Hans Vestberg has been President and CEO since January 1, 2010.
Mr. Vestberg had been Chief Financial Officer from October 25, 2007, until the end of 2009. He was named Executive Vice President in 2005 while serving as head of Business Unit Global Services, an office he held since 2003.
From 2002 to 2003 he served as President of Ericsson in Mexico. Between 2000 and 2002, Mr. Vestberg was CFO for Ericsson in North America and Ericsson’s controller for the Americas. Between 1998 and 2000, he was CFO of Ericsson in Brazil. Since joining Ericsson in 1991, Mr. Vestberg has also held various managerial positions in China, Sweden, Chile and Brazil.
Hans Vestberg was born in Hudiksvall, Sweden. He earned a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from the University of Uppsala, Sweden, in 1991.
My friend John du Pre Gauntt from Media Dojo send me his brand new “Cloud Computing Guide for Media People” today and I am allowed to share it exclusively with you.
Cloud Computing Guide for Media People
You can also download the full report (PDF) here:
The Guide translates cloud computing for business level media and marketing executives. It surveys some of the foundation concepts, technologies, players, and potential impact of cloud computing on the media and marketing industries. Circa 2010, we are all amateurs at implementing the cloud model for media and marketing. Anyone who claims to have nailed it cold is trying to sell you something. Consequently, much of the information and/or prediction in this first volume will be obsolete within six months to a year.
The Whitepaper describes some very interesting insights, key-concepts and business models of Cloud Computing. But John also describes four Scenarios about media in 2020.
Media Marketplaces 2020:
Most professional media and marketing content has been subsumed into the larger world of electronic commerce. Products and services now come with directly embedded media or offer digital tokens for consumers to exchange for the media of their choice.
Just-in-Time Media 2020
The action in media has moved to how fast a provider can customize media and ads at the margin. Scale in media has become a massive optimization game where players compete to orchestrate massive ecosystems to deliver an individualized yet participatory experience.
Smart Media 2020:
Media providers and marketers have dispensed with the pretense that they can tar get mass media in a fragmented world. Networks and channels have largely disappeared. Media and marketing messages are tagged with information and function to become the equivalent of “smart bombs” that seek out the right audience regardless of channel or device.
Pushpin Media 2020:
Augmented reality has finally won over virtual reality to create a new media mar ket. Instead of trying to substitute a virtual world for the “real” world, me dia providers and market ers have discovered that a pinch of media in the right physical place has opened a huge entertainment and advertising opportunity.
Nevertheless, this is a good time to plant an initial stake in the ground about Cloud Computing’s potential impact on media and marketing. Players like Amazon, Google and others have productized their distributed computing knowledge and assets into realistic commercial offers. A flood of digital media businesses are launching based on the new IT economics of cloud computing. As this process iterates and scales, the media industry is in for massive change.
(Via L.A. Times) More tweets than ever are hitting Twitter. But the social network is still far behind Facebook, the world’s most popular social network.
Back in 2007, an average of just 5,000 tweets were added to Twitter on a daily basis. By 2009, that figure grew to 2.5 million tweets a day. It was impressive growth. But over the last year, thanks in large part to celebrity and media attention, tweets have exploded.
The company reported Monday that the number of tweets added to its site grew by 1,400% in 2009 to an average of 35 million a day. Just two months into 2010, 600 tweets are hitting the site each second, amounting to 50 million tweets a day.
Twitter has officially joined the ranks of Facebook and MySpace as a premier social network. But, as successful as it is, the site still pales in comparison with Facebook.
Last week, Web analytics firm Compete announced that Facebook had become the second-most popular website in the United States behind Google.
According to Compete, Facebook attracted approximately 134 million unique visitors in January. Twitter had 23.5 million unique visitors for the month.
Facebook users update their status 60 million times a day, outpacing Twitter’s 50 million daily tweets.
Another sobering fact for Twitter: More than 5 billion pieces of content, including photo albums, notes, and web links, are added to Facebook each month.
In other words, Twitter has a long way to go if it wants to catch up to Facebook.
H.E. Mohamed Khalaf Al Mazrouei, Chairman of Abu Dhabi Media Company and Mr. Edward Borgerding, CEO of Abu Dhabi Media Company, together with Co-Chairs invite media executives to take part in the inaugural ABU DHABI MEDIA SUMMIT March 9-11, 2010 at Yas Hotel, Yas Marina Formula 1 Circuit, Abu Dhabi.
The summit for March 9-11 is sponsored by the Abu Dhabi Media Company and is by invitation only.
The Summit is being held under the Patronage of H.H. General Sheikh Mohammed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the United Arab Emirates Armed Forces. The Summit will provide an unprecedented gathering of the people and companies driving the transition to a networked new world, with special emphasis on fast-growing markets in the Middle East, South East Asia, China and Africa. With a focus on opportunities and investment, the Summit is structured to encourage both private discourse and public conversation at the highest levels.
News Corp chairman Rupert Murdoch, AOL CEO Tim Armstrong, Publicis boss Maurice Levy, and Google CEO Eric Schmidt are some of the luminaries who will be heading off to Abu Dhabi next month for a three-day international media summit.
Other notable speakers are Dirk Meyer, president and CEO of AMD; Jon Miller, CEO Digital Media, News Corporation; Nicholas Negroponte; James Murdoch, Chairman & CEO, Europe & Asia, News Corporation; Hartmut Ostrowksi, Chair & CEO, Bertelsmann; Skye CEO Josh Silverman; Ericsson CEO Hans Vestberg; and Samir Arora, Chair & CEO, Glam Media.
If the Twitter Management is not inventing advertising on the users just do it themselves.
Twitter users inetgrating advertisements in their stream of updates have begun adopting new standards for disclosure.
Many ads are now being marked with tags — “#spon” for sponsored tweets, “#paid” or “#samp” for those who received sample products — based on guidelines released Thursday by the Word of Mouth Marketing Assn. (WOMMA). The new instructions are a response to the Federal Trade Commission’s call for more explicit disclosure from bloggers.
The Superbowl is nearly as famous for its commercial breaks as for the game itself. In fact, the commercials are more memorable than the game for many viewers – a study by ad agency Venables, Bell & Partners showed that 66% of viewers remember their favorite advertiser from the 2009 Superbowl and only 39% recall which team won. However, this exposure comes at a hefty price, rates for Superbowl commercials run far above any other TV event because the game draws around 95 million viewers in the US alone. 30-second spots run close to $3m and the game typically includes 50 to 60 spots. PepsiCo has advertised its cola during every Superbowl for over 20 years but it has become more and more difficult (and expensive) to stand out from the field.
Instead of running the risk of being an also-ran, PepsiCo announced in December that it wouldn’t be advertising its cola during the Superbowl this year, instead it unveiled a $20m fund in which it is looking for people, businesses, and non-profits with ideas that will have a positive impact on US communities. Anyone can submit and rate ideas and each month those rated highest receive grants of between $5k and $250k. Moving away from the norm seems to have worked, in a recent survey by Nielsen, Pepsi’s ‘Refresh Everything’ campaign accounted for more than 21% of the media coverage and online buzz around Superbowl advertising. Given that PepsiCo usually spends in the region of $30m on Superbowl advertising breaking away from the norm seems to have paid off.
The GSMA today reported that more than 49,000 visitors (I was one of them :-)) from 200 countries attended the 2010 GSMA Mobile World Congresss, the premier event for the mobile communications industry. The four-day conference and exhibition attracted executives from the world’s largest and most influential mobile operators, software companies, equipment providers, Internet companies and media and entertainment organisations, as well as government delegations. 54 per cent of Mobile World Congress attendees hold C-level positions, including more than 2,800 CEOs.
Here are my highlights in pictures:
“It’s a hugely exciting time to be in the mobile communications industry and the extremely strong attendance at the 2010 Mobile World Congress underscores that,” said John Hoffman, CEO, GSMA Limited. “The innovation that is the hallmark of our industry was on display front and centre this week, from the insightful presentations in our conference programme to the demonstrations of new devices, technologies and services in the exhibition halls. Once again, Mobile World Congress stands out as the must-attend event for the global communications industry.”
During the event, leaders from companies including Alcatel-Lucent, BBC, Bharti Airtel, China Unicom, Ericsson, Huawei, KDDI, RIM, Samsung, Spotify, Telstra and Vodafone, among others, discussed and debated the trends and issues which are shaping the mobile industry today and into the future. In a Mobile World Congress first, Google Chairman and CEO Eric Schmidt delivered a Mobile World Live keynote to a standing-room only crowd in Barcelona; the session has also been viewed by more than 35,000 people to date via the Mobile World Live portal. To access the replay of the Mobile World Live keynote, as well as interviews with the industry’s leading executives, please visit
More than 20,000 people visited the inaugural App Planet, a focused event designed to bring together the many critical elements of the broad mobile application ecosystem together in one location. Google, Motorola, RIM, Sony Ericsson, Vodafone and WIPJam each held application developer conferences (ADC) within App Planet. Overall, more than 6,000 developers attended Mobile World Congress this year.
Webrazzi is the leading Turkish tech blog. This is like Techcrunch of US. They’ll be organizing 10 different events through 2010 and Mobile Internet conference is the 3rd one in the series. First two was about e-commerce and social media. They call these series of events “Webrazzi Gündem” which means “Webrazzi Agenda”. So, the name of the next event is “Webrazzi Agenda: Mobile Internet”. The event will be on February 10th, 2010, at Istanbul Elite World Hotel.
There will be 200 attendees and they are mostly mid-high level executives and startup founders. They’ll cover mobile internet usage in Turkey, mobile apps market and future, opportunities in the market and especially opportunities for Turkish entrepreneurs.
After the introduction of the Apple iPad I heard a lot of criticism about the potential of the device. Some said it’s not for sure if it will be a huge success. People need a phone and a laptop, but will they spend 500+ USD for another third device?
Well, I would say yes.
It doesn’t matter if it will be used as the first-, second- or third device. But the iPad will revolutionize many industries.
Here are two impressive concept why the Apple Tablet iPad will change industries and create a complete new business potential for many companies.
The First Video was published in December 2009 and shows how a weekly magazine could look like on the iPad.
The Second Video is showing how the iPad could be used in schools and universities.
When I was at King’s College in 1996 in Auckland, New Zealand, there was one “pilot-project” class equipped with Apple PowerBooks (the old black Wallstreet model). But now they could just use the iPad. Imagine how this would influence the way education works.
Here is another very interesting concept for Digital Magazines.
Another Update (18 Feb 2010) with the concept of the WIRED Tablet App
Donovan is inviting his community to watch his concert live on the Internet this Sunday. He will perform his hit songs and cult classics as well as showcasing songs from his new work RITUAL GROOVE as a run up to his forthcoming world tour 2010/2011. Special guest will be talented musician Claudia Koreck, one of the hottest newcomers in Germany.
The show will be streamed live Sunday, January 24, at 8:30 p.m. CET worldwide thanks to the professional live streaming technology and video production of TV1.EU, and a true broadband connection by BT, British Telecom. This World Wide Charity Concert is to benefit ‘Schools Without Stress’ (Germany). Also see the DLF, and the David Lynch Foundation.
“Donovan fans worldwide now have the opportunity to take part in an extraordinary concert experience directly from their computers at home. While watching the concert Donovan’s Online Friends can share their experience on facebook or twitter”, says Monty C. M. Metzger, CEO of the Social Media Marketing Agency, Ahead of Time.
This “Social Media for Social Activism” musical event will support the charity project “Schule ohne Stress” (Schools without Stress) and will increase awareness about the positive effects of the Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique on creativity, intelligence, brain functioning and academic performance.
The legendary folk-rock pop troubadour Donovan began his career as an itinerant folk musician and created acoustic hits like Catch The Wind, Colours, Mellow Yellow, Universal Soldier and Atlantis.
Dr. Donovan Leitch is a Green-Activist and received a Doctor of Letters from the University of Hertfordshire, an honorary medal as “Officer of Arts & Letters” by the French government, and was named BMI Icon in 2009.
Donovan was one of the few artists to collaborate on songs with the Beatles, contributing lyrics and vocals to the song Yellow Submarine. Donovan influenced Paul McCartney, John Lennon, and George Harrison in their guitar styles, and during his career played with folk music greats Pete Seeger, Joan Baez, and Bob Dylan, as well as rock musicians Jimmy Page of Led Zeppelin and Brian Jones of the Rolling Stones.
This is Donovan’s first global World Wide Web performance—a musical historic event! Viewers wishing to join Team DONOVAN.
I have created the Global Cocreation Model as a basic of Rethinking and Rebuilding our economy. This is my video for the Davos YouTube Debates for the World Economic Forum 2010. If this is selected as a finalist, I will need your help by voting to make this the winning entry.
Global Cocreation Model – Davos 2010
My name is Monty Metzger. I run a social media agency in germany and have started a collaborative global think-tank about the future of mobile media and communication, called Mocom 2020.
We have talked about the unthinkable challenges our world is facing in the next century and even in the next decade. The financial system has collapsed, the media industry is under massive pressure and the healthcare-system has become non-efficient. In 2020 we will reach the peak of the oil-production globally, climate change is one of the results of our exploitation of the planet. In 2050 we will have 200 million climate refugees due to a lack of resources of food or water.
Will we or our children be involved in a war for food, clear water or energy?
The world economy is based on many outdated structures and is not capable of solving the new challenges with old solutions. We are in a unique position, because we know some of the problems our planet and society is facing. Rather than dumping millions of dollars in old structure, we need to invest in new innovative solutions. We can solve these issues while integrating all stakeholders in a transparent, open and ethical economic structure.
Charles Schwab said that “we are living in a multi-stakeholder society and we need to rethink our values”. But how can we turn these ideas into action?
Today we have two unique factors which come together.
1) Half of the people on earth are under 25 years old.
2) We have the most powerful global communication tool ever – The Internet.
The technology and demographics combined can empower the Digital Natives to Cocreate solutions faster, more efficient and from the bottom up rather than from the top down.
I call this the Global Cocreation Model.
The Net Generation or Digital Natives have strong sense of values, they have Integrity, a Motivation or many Reasons to change the world. They are natural teamplayers and know how to self organize themselves. The Technology empowers and enables them to do things differently. And finally the openness, new culture of sharing and innovation gives them a very profound way of control.
This basic structure is framed by three key elements: Collaboration – A powerful tool of self organization for all stakeholders enabled by the global platform of communication – the web. Transparency – A new way of turning insights into common knowledge give us control and power to regulate what has been done.
and a Vision – A powerful Vision or a Dream that is simple enough to spread it fast, but detailled enough to motivate and truely turn social media into social activism.
I would like to challenge my model of Global Cocreation with the members of the World Economic Forum in Davos.
Like Al Gore once said:
If you want to go fast go alone. If you want to go far, go together. But we need to go far … quickly.
M-Days is the biggest Mobile Media Conference in germany and one of the most relevant in Europe. I will be hold a keynote and present a few insights from the open think tank focusing on the future of Mobile Media as well as from my book “Mobile Future @mocom2020“.
The topic of my session at M-Days is called: “Mobile Trends 2020, Mobile Commerce and App-Video-TV. What comes next in Europe?”
From the M-Day programme: Mobile Trends 2020, Mobile Commerce and App-Video-TV. What comes next in Europe?
The Google/Admob acquisition sends out a clear signal to the market: mobile is different and mobile is hot. The advance of touchscreen devices, app stores and new advertising approaches/formats are all coming together in a new kind of interactive mobile internet, a brave new place where new content, new experiences and even new mobile search services will set the bar. Mobile Trends 2020, Mobile Commerce, Mobile Video and TV.
Overview of the mobile trends 2020 and key-apps
Overview of mobile commerce of today – applications and options that drive ARPU, customer acquisition and retention
Paying for content – why now and why not?
Implementation and integration – an overview on the implementation of a full service mobile commerce solution – the lessons learnt and shared
Overview of the mobile TV and video landscape of today
Content: Why is Disney channel the most popular channel on mobile TV in Europe? And why are CNN so small compared to BBC? Viewing behaviour on mobile TV differs from normal TV.
The power of the iPhone in driving creation and consumption of video and mobile TV services via mobile
Speakers include:
Mocom 2020 – The next ten years! Key trends for Mobile Media and Communication
Ahead of Time, Monty C. M. Metzger, Managing Director/Trendscout
Service2Media- mobile innovation company Netherland, Peter Broekroelofs, CTO
M-App: iPhone Puts Mobile TV In The Picture
Rubberduck Media Lab AS, Ola Svartberg, CEO
Karin Du Rietz, pertains top 50 Women in mobile content
Heroes of the mobile screen and mobile search analytic
Moderation: MSearchGroove, Peggy Anne Salz, Founder and Chief Anaylst