Tomorrow I will be speaking at Siemens Global Web Conference 2007.
My speech is titled Virtual World Opportunities: Second Life and Beyond.
I will showcase our Second Life Project with Bild.T-Online – the Avastar.
New York ist der internationale Hot Spot für Trends und Innovationen. Erleben Sie die Zukunft dort wo sie entsteht und nützen diesen Vorsprung für Ihr Business. Folgen Sie uns auf eine dreitägige TrendTour und erleben sie die Trends von morgen mit den Themen: „The Future of Media“, „The Future of Marketing“ and „Consumer Generated Media“.
Für alle Führungskräfte, die wissen wollen, wie man Trends im Medien- und Marketingbereich für Ihr Business nutzen kann, organisiert CScout eine „Executive TrendTour in New York“. Dabei erleben die Teilnehmer die neusten Trends live vor Ort, erhalten exklusive Einblicke in Innovationen und Strategien und diskutieren mit Unternehmen und Experten.
Ansprechpartner für weitere Informationen und Programmdetails ist Christian Engel, Telefon: 089 – 23 22 56 77. Die Teilnehmerzahl ist auf 20 begrenzt.
Hier finden Sie das Programm zum Download:
For an interview for a magazine Frank Reinhold visited CScout to take some professional fotos.
Frank did a great job and it was a pleasure to work with him.
So – if you need a profi-fotographer – contact Frank.
Here are some results:
Today I started to test a new TV Service – “Future of TV” – called “Joost“.
The initial project was known as “The Venice Project” and was now formed into a new company. The StartUp is founded by the Skype and Kazaa Founders Janus Friis and Niklas Zennström.
Thank you Martin, for inviting me as a “Beta Tester”.
For more information about “Joost” I recommend the current Wired Article: “Why Joost is good for TV”.
After an inspiring travel to China and Thailand we arrived back in Munich yesterday evening.
Here you can see an overview of my journey of the last weeks.
The main time we spent in Beijing to work at the CScout office. At Shanghai I met many interesting people including Birgitte Wolff of On the way back we spent a few days in Bangkok and Koh Samui to reflect the strategy for CScout’s China Expansion.
– Beijing, China
– Shanghai, China
– Bangkok, Thailand
– Koh Samui, Thailand
I visited the Olympic Green, especially the Olympic Stadium and the Swimming Center. There are still many constructions going on but the buildings are getting in shape for the Olympics.
Here is a short video-clip we produced in front of the stadiums.
Link: Movie – China Trend: Olympic Stadium Beijing
Michael Franz hat mich letzte Woche zum Thema “RQ” befragt. Hier finden Sie das Interview.
Zudem kann ich seinen Beitrag “Wie hoch ist Ihr RQ?” empfehlen.
I will travel to China this week to work on a couple of projects with our local chinese team. During that long stay in China I will take my fiancée and my little son Rocco with me.
We will work at the CScout Office in Beijing Central Business District and live at the Kempinski Hotel Beijing Lufthansa Center until 02nd of March 2007.
I am looking forward to see the Bird’s Nest – the Olympic Stadium for the Olympic Games in 2008 again.
After almost three weeks of Beijing we will travel to Shanghai for further meetings and research.
In Shanghai we will visit the great Jin Mao Tower and the cool Hyatt Grand Hotel with its Lobby on the 54th floor and the bar at th 87th floor.
If you want to meet me in China – just send me an eMail.
On the way to Milano today.
I will. Stay for 2 days and meet a couple of clients and some cool Startups.
But i still will have some Time to meet for a coffee. So feel free to contact me …
During the DLD Conference and Davos there have been a lot of talks about the global information gap and how everybody can have access to information.
I talked to Nicholas Negroponte, the founder and chairman of the One Laptop per Child, and I was able to snapshot the 100 Dollar-Laptop which is the first step to close the information gap.
A friend of mine is professor in Tazania in Afrika and asked me to send some business books for his students and the university library. Well – this might be no problem. We have some books in the office and I have friends with many books – relevant for them.
But after meeting Nicholas I thought about the question:
What is more important for students in Afrika – the web or the relevant business books? Should’nt we just send our old laptops to really give them access to global information?
During a TrendTour at the End of 2006 we visited the Olympic Media Center in Beijing, China. Beijing is preparing for the Olympic Games in 2008 and our local Team is reporting about the newest developments to keep our customers on the pulse.
This is the Video with Interviews and Backgrounds about the preparations for the Olympic Games 2008 in Beijing.
December 2006 was a really busy month. We finished the Second Life Project with Bild.T-Online, prepared a couple of customized trend studies and did some challenging strategy papers for Innovation & Trend-Management.
Furthermore I attended the “European Futurist Conference” in Luzern (Switzerland) and Loic’s “Le Web 3” in Paris (France). Both events where great and I met many friends and interesting people from around the world.
The Start of the new year 2007 was also very exciting. We just came back from a trip through switzerland. We had great meeting with potential clients in Zürich, Geneva and Lausanne. Especially the meeting with the WEF in Geneva was interesting:
– We learned more about the project of the World Economic Forum in Second Life:
“For the first time, selected participants of the Annual Meeting will be interviewed in the 3D virtual world of Second Life. Second Life residents can submit their questions to Adam Reuters, Reuters’ Second Life correspondent, who will conduct the interview in the Reuters auditorium in Second Life. Internet users can watch the interviews online at:”
– And we got some background infos about the World Electronic Community (WELCOM) which will be introduced in Davos next week.
Code-named WELCOM, short for World Electronic Community, the system is designed to provide “a secure and private video communications linkage of global decision-makers” and contribute to “enhanced business-government cooperation and global crisis management,” said Hans-Jörg Schwab, the founder’s son and a member of the WEF executive board.
Furthermore we visited the IOC in Lausanne at the Maison du Sport.
As you know CScout has an office in Beijing and we are involved in the preparations for the Olympic Games in Beijing 2008.
CScout is working on creative ideas for Marketing, Events and Communication in Beijing and also supporting many Olympic Partners in Germany and on an international level via our office in New York.
So I think this will be a great and exciting new year 2007.
Let’s get it started 🙂
This is our first Video of the “CScout Trend TV Show”….
The first Video is a Visit to the cool Hotel “Commune by the Great Wall” near Beijing China.
Heute ist ein kleines Interview über CScout auf dem Interview Blog erschienen.
Klaus-Martin Meyer: Herr Metzger, Sie sind der Managing Director Germany der Firma CScout Trendberatung GmbH. Erklären Sie doch einmal wie eine Trendberatung arbeitet.
Monty C. M. Metzger: Als internationale Trendberatung sind wir immer einen Schritt voraus und beschäftigen uns aktiv mit der Zukunft – der Welt von morgen. Unsere Kunden profitieren von diesem Zeitvorsprung und können schneller reagieren und sich als First-Mover positionieren.
Continue Reading..
In der aktuellen Ausgabe des Magazins “IDS Scheer Inside” von IDS Scheer ist ein Interview von mir über die Herausforderungen bei CScout erschienen.
Heißen Trends aus der Spur
Monty C. M. Metzger, Geschäftsführer der Trendberatung CScout, über die Kunst, Trends aufzuspüren und sie gewinnbringend umzusetzen.
Der Blick in die Zukunft ist für jedes Unternehmen lebensnotwendig. Dabei zu entscheiden, ob man Vorreiter sein oder vorsichtshalber eher anderen den Vortritt lassen will, ist oft genug eine strategisch knifflige Frage. Im Münchner “Käferhaus” arbeitet die internationale Trendberatung CScout mit Hauptsitz in New York und weiteren Büros in München, Tokio und Peking daran, dass ihr Kunden keine wichtigen Trends verpassen. Wir wollten vom Geschäftsführer Monty C. M. Metzger wissen, warum seine Kunden darauf vertrauen, bei Trendthemen aufs richtige Pferd zu setzen.
Der gesamte Artikel ist hier als PDF Version zum Download:
Artikel: IDS Scheer Inside – Heißen Trends auf der Spur (PDF Version, 5,2 MB)
The “Deutsche Sport Hilfe” invited to the yearly “Fest der Begegnungen” in Munich.
I also attended the “Kuratorium”-Meeting – this is the meeting of all supporters of the “Deutsche Sport Hilfe”.
Via The Guardian.
Second Life gets its first tabloid
A ‘postcard’ from the Second Life cyber-community.
The weird and wonderful parallel cyber-community that is Second Life is to get its first tabloid. Axel Springer, the publisher of Germany’s top-selling Bild newspaper, is poised to launch a weekly paper designed to sate the virtual population’s appetite for news and gossip.
SL News will be written in English and packed with the latest from the simulation game – a rapidly expanding site where users create characters, called avatars, and go about the everyday business of chatting with fellow residents. Avatars can also use with Linden dollars, a virtual currency which can be exchanged into real money, to buy new clothes and even property.
Mr Springer plans to construct an online editorial office for SL News. A real editor-in-chief will then recruit a team of roving reporters from among the avatar community, which currently numbers more than a million “residents”.
“It will be a colourful tabloid, with snippets about showbusiness and human interest tales from the avatar world,” explained Dirk Meyer-Bosse, a spokesman for the German publishing giant.
Due to be launched in December, the paper will cost between 10 and 15 Linden dollars. It will likely be sold by subscription – posted into mailboxes across the virtual parallel universe. Avatars already get news from Reuters’ online news agency, which opened up for business in October, run by its virtual bureau chief, “Adam Reuters”.
The new venture makes Mr Springer one of a plethora of real businessmen who are using the booming site to do business and raise their public profile. Some $500,000 (£260,000) is spent on the site daily by residents, on various cultural pursuits such as attending university lectures or concerts by real musicians.
Mr Springer says the newspaper will tailor its unprecedented venture according to feedback from avatars, but one thing is clear: It will not feature news stories from the real world.
Europas größtes Entertainment-Portal Bild.T-Online bringt eine neue
englischsprachige Zeitung auf den Markt. Anfang Dezember erscheint
wöchentlich “SL News” – allerdings nicht in dieser, sondern in der
virtuellen Internet-Welt “Second Life”. Damit geht Bild.T-Online ganz
neue Wege im Onlinejournalismus.
Gelauncht wird eine Boulevardzeitung, die sich ausführlich und aktuell
mit den Themen der “Second Life”-Welt beschäftigt. Dabei ist alles wie
im richtigen Leben: Ein Verlagsgebäude wird errichtet, eine Redaktion
gegründet und echte Reporter berichten hautnah über die wichtigsten
Ereignisse in der virtuellen Welt. Mit einem großen Serviceteil wird dem
Leser Orientierung in der dreidimensionalen Welt gegeben. Der Vertrieb
erfolgt über stationäre Verkaufskästen und Promotionteams. Auch Anzeigen
können in “SL News” geschaltet werden.
Gregor Stemmle, Vorstandsvorsitzender Bild.T-Online: “Mit dem Launch in
‘Second Life’ betreten wir ein neues, spannendes und zukunftsträchtiges
Terrain. Mit unserer Erfahrung in Redaktion und Vermarktung werden wir
eine attraktive Zeitung für die ‘Second Life’-Residents starten und so
möglicherweise neue Erlösquellen erschließen.”
“Second Life” ist eine eigene, dreidimensionale Welt im Internet. Unter sind zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt rund 1,2 Millionen
Einwohner als virtuelle Figuren registriert und führen per Mausklick ein
Leben wie in der wirklichen Welt: Sie arbeiten in Büros, gehen
einkaufen, flanieren über Boulevards und verfügen mit dem Linden-Dollar
über ihre eigene Währung (270 Linden-Dollar entsprechen einem
Zahlreiche Unternehmen haben das Reich im Netz inzwischen entdeckt, um
Trends virtuell zu testen. Mit “Second Life” ist aber vor allem eine
Welt entstanden, die die User anspricht: Der Markt wächst gegenwärtig
monatlich um rund 15 Prozent, die Mitgliederzahl sogar um mehr als 20
Today I’ve attended the 2006 Olympia Partner Meeting in Frankfurt. This year Lufthansa was the host of the exclusive event.
We are supporting the preperations for the upcoming Olympic Games in Beijing. Due to our local office in Beijing we are already in a couple of projects, like TrendTours, Trend-Reports etc.
Colja and me in front of the big engine.