
My Visit to Google Germany’s new Office in Munich

Almost nine years ago I visited the newly opened office of Google in Munich. Since then the team grew tremendously and has taken several buildings in the city of Munich. Now it’s time to get all of them under one roof and make space for more growth. This month Google Germany has moved into their new offices. Thanks Philipp for the tour.

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The Future of Money: What you need to know about the Blockchain Technology Trend? #FinTech

There is a lot of exchange of money that is completed online between people, especially of those people in a variety of countries. Bitcoin has been a popular choice for many. And the innovative technnology behind bitcoin is called the blockchain. This is a relatively unknown technology that can easily be misunderstood by those who are not familiar with it.

With all of this misunderstanding about this technology, people find it to be very controversial and have a lot of mistrust for this new technology only because of its association with bitcoin.
FinTech companies are very interested in the blockchain technologies. For experts in the financial world, they understand that there is actually nothing controversial about this new trend.

Blockchain is to the Money, what Email is to the Letter.

Future of Money Blockchain Keynote Speaker

“Blockchain is to the Money, what Email is to the Letter.”

Blockchain Technology

What is blockchain? It is basically just a digital ledger that is shared with a variety of different parties. What makes this so unique and uncontroversial is the fact that changes cannot be made to it with having the majority consensus agree to the changes. This is not the only great thing about this so-called future of money so fantastic is that data cannot be changed after it has already been entered into the ledger.

In many other forms of financial systems, you are actually putting your trust into one third party to give you the right information. For instance, you trust your bank to give you accurate bank statements or your antivirus to make sure that your computer safe. Trusting just one entity with your information can be dangerous because they can offer misinformation or just simply lie to you. This is how mistakes happen. This is the biggest reason why blockchain is such a huge game changer. These records will be accurate and since they cannot be changed, you can trust that the information that you are receiving is trustworthy. The best part is that these ledgers can offer all of this detailed information without making its users compromise their privacy.

Blockchain is starting to make waves in the financial world with some of the largest banks in the world beginning to research how they can utilize applications of blockchain. Estonia is just one location that uses blockchain in order to secure their banking infrastructure, actually has the lowest rate when it comes to credit card fraud in the entire euro zone. Internet startups are starting to pick up on blockchain for their own businesses as well.

The future of Money – Future of Banking

The future of money really is found within the blockchain technology. People want something that they can trust because it is their money on the line. Blockchain has a lot of potential, and there can be so many other applications of this technology in other fields. Think about putting documents like health records or even things like marriage licenses in the blockchain. You can create a visible trail for audits so that you can see each event without actually compromising anyone’s privacy. Blockchain is the new technology to trust and it will be interesting to see where it goes from here.

Back in 2013 Monty already started to dig into Bitcoin, Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain and published this Visualisation of the Blockchain Industry.

Keynote Speaker

Future of Banking, Blockchain and Bitcoin

Monty is a global speaker and invited to several conferences, board leadership workshops and events each month. His keynotes speeches and impulse talks provoke, excite and inspire. He has traveled to 44 countries to visit the most relevant innovation hubs globally and to discover the trends of tomorrow already today.
If you are planning an event please do not hesitate to contact Angelique at angelique (dot) weingarten (at) monty (dot) de


The Future is Now!

Today is the day. October 21st 2015. The day Marty McFly was traveling to with his legendary DeLorean time machine in the movie Back to the Future.

Futurist Quote - The Future is Now.

A special message by Doc Brown on this historic day.


Keynote Cyber Security

Last week I was invited to speak about Digital Transformation and the Future of Cyber Security at the AXIS Communication Annual Partners Day.

During my speech I focussed on the paradox and synergies of Cyber Security and Cyber Anxiety. Thus I talked about the History of Cyber Security, our current Sharing Economy, latest Data Breaches (From MyDoom to SONY PSN), Cyber Terrorism, Cyber Crime and Cyber War – also mentioning the FBI Cyber’s Most Wanted List.

“Everything that can be digitalized will be digitalized.”
To understand the importance of Cyber Security and the potential for future business I explained the key drivers and trends of the Digital Age: eHealth such as Digital Plasters, 3D Printing, Self-Driving Cars, Smart Drones, Robotics, from Big Data to Deep Learning, FinTech disrupting the financial industry and more.

At the end of my Cyber Security Keynote I showed the audience some easy tricks to do DIY Hacking: It’s easy to use someone else’s credit card, just search for “my new credit card search on twitter” on Twitter…. showed them the Dark Web, Tor and how to Rent a Hacker….. showcased them how you can turn on a smartphone camera with a text message, spy any mobile phone or even remote control a smartphone in a few steps. The reactions in the audience had been totally mixed, I saw lots of shocked faces, nodding heads or laughter. This was fun…

Keynote Speaker Cyber Security Monty Metzger


Digital Transformation Keynote Speaker

When it comes to digital transformation, you need to hire the best keynote speaker to share his knowledge and skills during a conference event in order to make sure that you efficiently achieve your corporate goals. Hence, if you are currently looking for an expert digital marketer, you’ve come to the right place.
Digital Transformation Keynote Speaker Monty MetzgerIn fact, Monty Metzger has the ultimate expertise that will help you in making the event more fruitful. Being one of the top and most reliable keynote speakers that will provide you with an ultimate experience in terms of acquiring excellent skills in the digital marketing arena, across the globe, Monty has been a reliable and highly affordable professional speaker at international conferences that discuss how digital transformation affects every business worldwide.

Why Choose Monty Metzger?
An expert keynote speaker will actively highlight the fundamentals of digital transformation in summits, industry conferences as well as corporate events.

Book Monty for your Event.Read his ProfileSee Example Topics and Videos

Your needs and standards in business leadership, digital lifestyle transformation, mobile and social media, cutting edge technology, and even in connected consumerism are efficiently covered. Monty perfectly understands that there is evolving needs in the digital market including its culture as well as the society. If you want a keynote speaker who can provide these aspects, Monty is here to help you out.
It’s not a good thing to be generic in sharing knowledge since every conference or summit has its own needs and objective. This keynote speaker always guarantees that the objectives and goals of the event are met in the most efficient manner possible. In fact, the presentations are prepped up early enough to make sure that everything is covered and needs are satisfied.

How Monty Works
There is great significance in tailoring important topics while highlighting the key points in every presentation. He significantly gives importance to audience connection in order to guarantee that they relate to all the topics discussed and get something useful for their own business needs. As your trusted future analyst, Monty and his team also studies how digital transformation affects various industries including the culture of the businesses worldwide.

However, the main priority is to address the needs of the audience. With the ability to collaborate with attendees and other hosts of the event, this keynote speaker is able to professionally provide tangible value as well as direction in order to motivate and inspire participants in learning top skills to keep up with digital transformation.
Through motivational approach, he leaves the audiences to feel empowered and equipped with the right skills so that they can adapt to the changes in technology that seems to be unending. The main functions that Monty wants to serve include education, inspiration, and alignment. By helping the participants to understand the opportunities offered before them, he can successfully carry out the right future strategies for your business.

Find out more about
Monty’s Keynote Speaking Engagements.


Technology Futurist | Keynote Speaker

We’re on the threshold of a new digital era. Emerging technologies are changing how we live, how we work and who we are. It’s a pivotal moment for every industry and for your personal life. Will we loose our jobs? Will robots take over? Why is data is the new currency? Often named as a Technology Futurist, Monty is addressing these questions in his keynote speeches and talks.

Keynote speaker Monty Metzger is globally recognized as a futurist, thought leader and investor. “Practise what you preach” – that’s why he is investing in technology startups globally with his Venture Fund Digital Leaders Ventures. Monty will shake up your audience, motivate, entertain and explain emerging technology trends by showcasing case studies form around the world.

Futurist Keynote Speaker Monty Metzger

Business Strategist

Monty has started a Future Research Company early 2000 which he exited in 2008. Now he is Partner at Digital Leaders Ventures and uses his personal experience of two decades of trend spotting to invest in the most promising companies himself. Besides being known as a futurist keynote speaker he is a business strategist for businesses and senior leaders in today’s highly disrupted world. As a thought leader he is driving change and anticipating digital leadership.

Burning Questions

Leadership and Company Culture

What are the new skills that leaders need to have in today’s digital world, and how do you create a company culture that supports people to achieve more?

Investments and Policies

Why our digital future depend on our entrepreneurial spirit? How startups disrupt traditional industries? Why Europe needs to invest more into technology startups? How to master the fourth industrial revolution?

Customers Experience and Marketing

What does the future of customer look like? How do companies reach their target groups? Is this the end of Marketing as we know it?

Digital, Technology and Media

How do you succeed in the world of digital? What are the core drivers of the digital future? Where can you discover the digital future of your industry already today? How to learn from technology hot spots?

Analytics, Data and Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI), Deep Learning and Big Data have transformed the world. What’s next in this, and how can companies embrace AI to drive growth and profits?

Disruption and Business Models

With so much change how can you future proof your business? What do jobs of the future look like and how can you embrace change? Which Business Models will no longer exist in the future?

Trends & Innovation

What are some of the mega trends for the next 1-5 years? Who are the leaders driving this change today? How can you transform your company to stay competitive?

Futurist Keynote Speaker

A Futurist Keynote Speaker would say, the future is definitely coming in the form of self driving cars. These vehicles are designed in order to remove the hassle from the road and at the same time they will minimize the amount of accidents that appear. Driving will be the new Handwriting. Self Driving Vehicles will reduce accidents and improve traffic flow. Companies like UBER, MyTaxi or Didi Kuaidi will use self-driving cars to deliver on-demand rides.

Futurist Keynote Speaker Monty MetzgerThe web of things
Computers are becoming almost an entity of their own and we have the ability to interact with them in almost the same way as we do with a human. A Futurist Keynote Speaker will state that those new techs like harvesting energy in a safe manner with the help of chips or implementing NFC will allow the world to evolve. Combine that with mechanic limbs and numerous transplants that were unable to perform up to this point, then you will be able to see that the society is becoming a lot more focused on connecting with tech and the web is definitely a huge part of it.

Mastering The Fourth Industrial Revolution
Any Futurist Keynote Speaker will acknowledge the fact that supercomputing and bit data will play a major role in the evolution of all modern men, but this is also where the need for computing geared towards consumers comes into play. The trend will surely evolve in the next few years, allowing companies to create natural interfaces that will make supercomputing very useful when it comes to customer interaction.
As you can see, technologies are definitely going to shape our future, so having a Futurist Keynote Speaker that will showcase such a thing will definitely help you acquire investors for your project!

What People Say about Monty

“Monty is a true Digital Champion! Highly networked human being!”
Andreas Thuemmler, Managing Partner bei ACXIT Capital Partners

“I’ve hired Monty a couple of times to give visionary speeches regarding the development of mobile technolgy. He is a truly engaged and great speaker. Furthermore he is pretty experienced in mentoring Start-Ups, doing M&A advice and innovation consulting. Use his services and you won’t be disappointed.”
Gregor Bieler, General Manager Consumer Business and Member of the Executive Board bei Microsoft Deutschland GmbH

“Off the bat or from the stump: Monty is a captivating & energetic speaker who can draw in his audience instantly. His presentations are thoughtful, brilliant, yet simple and have the audience yearning for more (see hits on his online presentations for proof). First and foremost, they are truly ahead of time.”
Philipp Encz, Head of Electrification & Digitalization Topics at SIEMENS

“Monty has a real grasp of innovation, investment advisory and supporting Digital initiatives internationally. His skill at networking these interests allows him, and those associated with him, to keep up to speed with the latest products services,and organisation in TMT and beyond. I am happy to recommend him and his skill attribution.”
Oliver Rothschild, Patron at One Planet Ventures

“Monty makes the extraordinary look simple. If the Future, he has his finger on its pulse and knows how to help others see quickly the important trends that will impact all our business lives.”
Charles Savage, Owner at KEE International and Management Consulting Consultant

Monty is listed among the most renowned and influential technology futurists and business speakers.
Book him for your next conference or company workshop.


How is Mobile Computing Changing the Entrepreneurial Game? #Keynote

Last week I was speaking at the Digital Entrepreneur Leadership Forum (DELF) 2015 at Cyberport in Hong Kong. The topic of the session was “The Rise of Mobile Everything: How is Mobile Computing Changing the Entrepreneurial Game?”

After my short impulse keynote I joined a panel discussion moderated by Edith Yeung, Partner at 500 Mobile Collective. Other panelists were
Aykut Karaalioglu (Founder & CEO, Mobile Action – USA), George Staikos (Founder & CEO, Topology – Canada) and Raymond Yip (Co-Founder & CEO, Shopline – China).

Here are a few impressions…






Digital Future and the State of Europe’s Digital Ecosystem #Keynote

Watch a summary of my recent Keynote Speech recorded at the Webrazzi Digital Conference in Istanbul, Turkey.

I am talking about key trends in internet, mobile and technology – the Digital Future – mentioning Digital Healthcare, Digital Manufacturing, 3D Printing, Human Machine Interface, Digital Money & Digital Cryptocurrencies, Future of Education, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics.

But also I am taking a broader look at the state of the Europe’s Digital Ecosystem and why we need to embrace entrepreneurship, e.g. why an investment in Entrepreneurs is an investment in our Future.


Healthcare’s Digital Future – Keynote Speaker

Watch my Keynote Speech “Digital Transformation of Health Care: the Patient and the App” recorded at Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, Sweden in January 2015.

Healthcare’s Digital Future

Imagine a future where wearable technologies track key areas of your life to provide timely prompts about your health, and the data gathered can be uploaded securely to the cloud. Instead of going into the doctor’s office for a checkup, you would schedule a video consultation to discuss your recent readings. In instances when you need further care, your visits would be coordinated by medical records that flow seamlessly between key members of hospital staff and your care would be supported by relevant information that prepares you for what’s next. Your surgeon would be able to look at your results alongside the wider patient population or seek advice from specialists around the world to determine an optimal treatment plan; the effectiveness of which would determine their compensation.

Digital Health is Driving Innovation

While the realities of the current model of healthcare tell a different story, we’re beginning to see exciting signs of change against daunting challenges. Technologie Trends like Telemedicine, on-demand health checks, on-going real-time patient monitoring, wearable technologies are driving the change of the healthcare industry.

Rather than view these as insurmountable obstacles, Monty Metzger choose to see a landscape full of opportunity. Despite a slow regulatory process a host of new mobile and social tools, sensor technologies and devices are being developed for an industry in need of change.

Are you planning a Health Conference or Medcial Care Managemenet Event? Contact keynote speaker Monty Metzger to get a quote on a speech on the future of healthcare.


The End of Money as we know it: How Cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin and Digital Money disrupt our financial system?

This week I had been invited hold a keynote speech about the revolution Bitcoin started in the financial world. The topic of my speech was:

The End of Money as we know it:
How Cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin and Digital Money disrupt our financial system?

Bitcoin is to money, as the internet was to information.
Smart entrepreneurs and early stage investors have recognized the tremendous power the concept of digital currency, especially Bitcoin, has brought to light. Hundreds of StartUps like Xapo, Circle, BitStamp are developing a new industry with the monetary support of some of the most acclaimed venture investors worldwide.

The trend of Cryptocurrencies is raising many new questions. How will the future of money look like? Will we have one global currency? Will bitcoin be the end of paper money? Who will be the key players in the digital currency industry?

Here you can find out more about my speaking engagements.


The Future of Digital Health: Radical Innovation in the Healthcare and Medical Industry.

At Vital Signs Conference in Denmark I have been invited to hold a Keynote about the Future of Digital Health. In this keynote speech I am presenting five MegaTrends in the Health & Medicine Industry: Ubiquitous Health-Tech, DataSexuals, Orchestrated Data, CrowdMarket and Empowered Patient.

To support my future vision and to illustrate the trends I have integrated some examples and international case studies from USA, Europa and Asia. Some of the content in my speech are taken from one of our latest Trend Reports about Digital Vital Signs and mHealth at Ahead of Time.



#Electronic Health (E-Health) #Mobile Health (M-Health) #Quantified Self #IOT – Internet of Things #Wearable Technology


Top Technology Hotspots of the World

What can you learn by visiting the top technology hotspots of the world?

Global-Technology-HotspotsSince over a decade I have been traveling to the most important hotspots for technology innovation. Places where the best talent, innovation and investment money comes together. Places which are like big magnets attracting significantly more human capital as well venture capital than anywhere else. Here you can experience the trends of tomorrow already today.

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Seoul: visiting the future of mobile media.

Seoul is the most wired city in the world. Internet Penetration rates reaching 99%. Mobile Smartphone penetration over 70%. At home: 100 Mbit/s for 10 bucks a month. On the go: LTE Advanced with up to 1 Gbit/s mobile broadband connection. Last week I had been on a field trip to Seoul to experience the future of mobile at its point of origin.

The first time I had been in Seoul was in 2002 during a trend tour for a big automotive company. Already then South Korea was very advanced and a few years ahead of our mobile technology development.

Today the Internet landscape of South Korea is different. Giants like Google or Facebook do not play a major role here. Rules are different, Players are different and consumer behavior is different. It almost feels like travelling time to see how the future of mobile media could look like. Of course many trends and developments will never happen in USA or Europe due to the cultural differences. Nevertheless Seoul is a great place to reflect on things we take for granted and questioning the state of digital media. And some korean companies will grow and expand internationally as well (e.g. LINE social messaging, part of the NAVER group).

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7 Digital Trends for 2014

I wrote an article about the key trends for 2014 on Huffington Post Germany. Here is a very short summary of the article about the key innovations and trends I see most relevant for 2014. As my role as a Keynote Speaker and Futurist I am often ask “What is the next big thing?” or “What are the latest trends?” that’s why I have decided to publish my top 7 future trends.

  • Text-Messaging versus Social Messaging: WhatsApp, Line, Kakao Talk, WeChat, Facebook Messenger and Co.
  • Maker Movement and Hardware Innovation
  • Wearable Technology
  • Bitcoin
  • Drones
  • Smartphone becomes the new Desktop-Computer
  • Quantum Computing: Google and Nasa testing new Super-Computer

Read the full article on Huffington Post Germany:
Sieben digitale Trends für 2014


Mapping the Bitcoin Landscape

Who are the players, change-makers and investors in the bitcoin landscape? Who is shaping the future of the cryptocurrencies and digital currencies?
This is first version mapping the world of bitcoin in a simple map.


Who is missing?
Please add your suggestion here:


Digital Future: Trends & Opportunities you need to know about.

MontyMetzger_Digital_Future_SpeechEvery year the team at is gathering international experts, entrepreneurs, investors and c-level executives in the web, mobile & tech-industry in the city of Budva, Montenegro. Their tech conference is called and features inspiring speeches, expert panels and a startup competition in teamwork with TechCrunch.

This year I had the honor to talk about the “Digital Future: Trends & Opportunities you need to know about.”
As an introduction I looked back and mentioned key milestones on the history of computing, cellphones and the web. Then I gave an outlook into the future and focused on seven key trends (“7 Digital Trends who need to watch”): Digital Big Bang (new gTLDs), Connected the Unconnected, Human User Interface, Internet of Things, Hardware on Demand (Makermovement) Social Economy (Bitcoin, Social Sharing, Social Reading), Instant Service.

Here you can watch the full keynote.

The conference was inspiring, I met very interesting people and enjoyed the beautiful old town of Budva. For me, it was the first trip to Montenegro and I can really recommend to go there as well. The little country becomes the hotspot on the Adriatic coastline and a magnet for investors and tourists. I was impressed by brand-new superyacht harbor Porto Montenegro, the relaxing Splendid Spa Hotel, the amazing Aman Hotel at Sveti Stefan, the beautiful beaches and the creative entrepreneurial people I met.

Many thanks to the whole team at – keep on rockin’!


Summary Digital Leaders San Franscico

Last week we hosted another DIGITAL LEADERS event, this time in San Francisco. Although I knew what the speakers will talk about, I was totally overwhelmed by the quality of their keynotes, their thought provoking ideas and their innovative projects. But even more exciting have been the discussions after each talk on the tables. Have a look:

At DIGITAL LEADERS San Francisco we focused on three main topics: Digital Transformation, Accelerating Innovation and Global Challenges. This had been our speakers:

Digital Transformation

Jim Louderback
CEO at Discovery Digital Networks

Frerk-Malte Feller
Vice President HP Shopping at Hewlett-Packard

Christian Mangstl
Investor, Business Angel & Founder at Scout24 Group

Accelerating Innovation

Marvin Liao
Former Yahoo! Executive, Startup mentor & Investor

Jon Vlassopulos
Serial Entrepreneur, Investor, CEO & founder at Trailerpop

Adam Draper
Fourth generation Investor, CEO & founder at Boost.VC

Global Challenges

Leila Janah
Social Entrepreneur, CEO at Samasource, Forbes Magazin’s “Rising Star”

David Mikkelsen
Co-Founder at Refugees United,
named “New World Hero” by Monocle Magazin


Adam Draper and Monty Metzger

Adam Draper and Monty Metzger talking about the future of Bitcoin, Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies.
Picture Taken 2013 at San Mateo, USA.


Digital Leaders New York

Yesterday we held Digital Leaders #DLNY13 at Harvard Club New York.
Here is a video summary of the unique leadership event #DLNY13.


Israel: A Visit to the ultimative StartUp Hotspot

This week I am travelling with a delegation lead by the Bavarian Minister of Economic Affairs, Mr. Martin Zeil, to Israel. The goal is to learn more about the digital industry, its venture investors and tech startups. Visiting the StartUp Nation Israel is inspiring and full of great discussions. Here is a map of all Israel Startup matched on Google Maps: Startup Map.

During our short business trip we met early stage investors and venture capital fund like Jerusalem Venture Partners and the startup accelerator The Time. We discussed the StartUp and Tech scene with Investor Yossi Vardi, the major of Jerusalem Nir Barkat and visited Intel Israel.

Here a few impressions from my trip
Investor Yossi Vardi talking about his investment strategy

Discussion with the Major of Jerusalem, Mr. Nir Barkat

Knowledge exchange meeting with several local business leaders

StartUp Accelerator THE TIME in Tel Aviv

Monty Metzger with Bavarian Minister of Economic Affairs, Mr. Martin Zeil

Monty Metzger in the city of Jerusalem

Mr. Zeil and the German Ambassador at a private reception at the villa of the German Ambassador in Tel Aviv

My Friend Mel Rosenberg playing the piano at the villa of the German Ambassador in Tel Aviv

Jerusalem Venture Partners – Accelerator

Office of Intel Tel Aviv

Beach of Tel Aviv

Martin Zeil at Yad Vashem

Yad Vashem Ceremony