
In-Car WiFi

WiFi will be your Car in the future.
But why would I need WiFi in my car?
In Car Wifi
Martin Varsavsky and I were discussing this issue at DLD’07 with a manager working for an automotive company. There are several reasons why consumers would love to have WiFi in the car:
1. You can connect all devices in the car to the web via one WiFi router.
2. You can create a Private Area Network (PAN) and share P2P Games or any content (e.g. streaming music).
3. You can connect you car WiFi with your home station when you park in front of your car.
and many more idea…

There is already one company focusing on in-car wifi technology called Automobile. Their technologie will be used by Avis.

Furthermore Chrylser announced to implement in-car WiFi in all new cars. Via WashingtonPost.

The feature will be added to existing vehicles by dealers beginning this year and later be installed on the assembly line, said Frank Klegon, Chrysler’s product development chief.

The technology will allow passengers to search Web pages using signals from mobile phone towers. Consumers initially would need a subscription to a wireless phone carrier to ensure uninterrupted coverage.

“We want to make the radio itself a WiFi port,” Klegon said.

The announcement came the same day that chief executive Robert Nardelli said Chrysler planned to expand sales in its Mopar parts division by targeting owners who want to customize their vehicles.

Chrysler will initiate the effort by offering an off-road navigation system, chrome grille, heavy-duty bumper and a special sound system for its Jeep Wrangler, Nardelli said at the New York International Auto Show.

The emphasis on Mopar, which provides dealers with replacement and accessory parts, is a turnabout for Chrysler after it considered selling the unit last year.

“We’re aggressively moving to capture more of the customer service and parts business by focusing on what dealers need to increase their profitability,” Nardelli said.


The Future of Mobile Communication

During research regarding the future of communication I came across a great R&D project by NOKIA called “MORPH”.

Morph is a concept demonstrating some of the possibilities nanotechnologies might enable in future communication devices. Morph can sense its environment, is energy harvesting and self cleaning .
Morph is a flexible two-piece device that can adapt its shape to different use modes. Nanotechnology enables to have adaptive materials yet rigid forms on demand.
It is also featured in the MoMA online exhibition “Design and the Elastic Mind”. It has been a collaboration project of Nokia Research Center and Cambridge Nanoscience Center.


Speech: Art Directors Club

In May 2008 I will be speaking at the ADC Management Dialog in Berlin.
It will be on the 29th and 30th of April 2008 at Berlin School of Creative Leadership.

ADC Logo

The Event is called “New Media, New Ways.”.
More Information on the ADC Website.

I am excited to be part of the event and look forward to meet you all in Berlin.


Motivational Speech by Steve Jobs

On the weekend I watched a great motivational speech by Steve Jobs. I reported about the speech already in 2005:, but now I saw the video again. In this very emotional and private speech he spoke about three main issues in his life:
– “Connecting the Dots” – You have to trust in something – your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever,
– “Love and Loss” – You’ve got to find what you love and
– “Death” – how important it is to have longtime goals and stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

Here is the video:


Interview: Rick Kim, “Second Life” Linden Lab – South Korea

During the “VDZ Online Publishers Tour” we organized in February 2008 we were invited to the German Embassy in Seoul for a Diner-Reception. The Speaker and Expert of this evening was Rick Kim, Country Manager Linden Lab South Korea and former Manager at Cyworld.
Linden Lab is the company behind “Second Life”, the 3D Multiplayer Virtual World.

Rick is talking about the challenges and opportunities regarding Virtual Worlds in South Korea. He explains the key-success factors for starting such a project in Korea as well as insights about the korean consumer.

Enjoy the video….


Doing Business in China: Documentary - doing business in china Yesterday I watched a great documentary called “Brits get rich in China”. The Video was recommended by Christine Lu from the ChinaBusinessNetwork.

I think the documentary shows the dynamics and the spirit in China.
As we are preparing our upcoming manager tour in China, the video is a great example of what you can experience in China. Furthermore you get a good feeling of “how to do business in China”.

Have a look….