Category: Huffington Post


7 Digital Trends for 2014

I wrote an article about the key trends for 2014 on Huffington Post Germany. Here is a very short summary of the article about the key innovations and trends I see most relevant for 2014. As my role as a Keynote Speaker and Futurist I am often ask “What is the next big thing?” or “What are the latest trends?” that’s why I have decided to publish my top 7 future trends.

  • Text-Messaging versus Social Messaging: WhatsApp, Line, Kakao Talk, WeChat, Facebook Messenger and Co.
  • Maker Movement and Hardware Innovation
  • Wearable Technology
  • Bitcoin
  • Drones
  • Smartphone becomes the new Desktop-Computer
  • Quantum Computing: Google and Nasa testing new Super-Computer

Read the full article on Huffington Post Germany:
Sieben digitale Trends für 2014