My friend John du Pre Gauntt from Media Dojo send me his brand new “Cloud Computing Guide for Media People” today and I am allowed to share it exclusively with you.
Cloud Computing Guide for Media People
You can also download the full report (PDF) here:

The Guide translates cloud computing for business level media and marketing executives. It surveys some of the foundation concepts, technologies, players, and potential impact of cloud computing on the media and marketing industries. Circa 2010, we are all amateurs at implementing the cloud model for media and marketing. Anyone who claims to have nailed it cold is trying to sell you something. Consequently, much of the information and/or prediction in this first volume will be obsolete within six months to a year.
The Whitepaper describes some very interesting insights, key-concepts and business models of Cloud Computing. But John also describes four Scenarios about media in 2020.
Media Marketplaces 2020:
Most professional media and marketing content has been subsumed into the larger world of electronic commerce. Products and services now come with directly embedded media or offer digital tokens for consumers to exchange for the media of their choice.
Just-in-Time Media 2020
The action in media has moved to how fast a provider can customize media and ads at the margin. Scale in media has become a massive optimization game where players compete to orchestrate massive ecosystems to deliver an individualized yet participatory experience.
Smart Media 2020:
Media providers and marketers have dispensed with the pretense that they can tar get mass media in a fragmented world. Networks and channels have largely disappeared. Media and marketing messages are tagged with information and function to become the equivalent of “smart bombs” that seek out the right audience regardless of channel or device.
Pushpin Media 2020:
Augmented reality has finally won over virtual reality to create a new media mar ket. Instead of trying to substitute a virtual world for the “real” world, me dia providers and market ers have discovered that a pinch of media in the right physical place has opened a huge entertainment and advertising opportunity.
Nevertheless, this is a good time to plant an initial stake in the ground about Cloud Computing’s potential impact on media and marketing. Players like Amazon, Google and others have productized their distributed computing knowledge and assets into realistic commercial offers. A flood of digital media businesses are launching based on the new IT economics of cloud computing. As this process iterates and scales, the media industry is in for massive change.