Easter Time 2010 is time for iPad unpacking!
The German MVNO simyo today announced that they will offer a special data plan including Micro SIM Cards for all Apple iPad Users. (Via iPadSim.de)
For the launch of the iPhone Apple has introduced exclusive deals with mobile operators in each country. In Germany the iPhone was launched in teamwork with T-Mobile. With the upcoming iPad Apple opened the competition and did not deal up exclusively with mobile operators. But there’s a catch, instead of the normal Mini SIM Cards they introduced a new standard of SIM Cards, the so called Micro SIM Cards. These SIM Cards are smaller than the regular ones. So you need a Micro SIM for your Apple iPad 3G.
simyo is the first mobile operator in Germany who has announced such a Micro SIM Card. With already very low rates of 24 Euro Cents per MB and 9,90 Euro for 1GB of data (for 30 days), simyo can definitely offer a competitive iPad Sim in the market.
Here is a picture how it could look like:
After the introduction of the Apple iPad I heard a lot of criticism about the potential of the device. Some said it’s not for sure if it will be a huge success. People need a phone and a laptop, but will they spend 500+ USD for another third device?
Well, I would say yes.
It doesn’t matter if it will be used as the first-, second- or third device. But the iPad will revolutionize many industries.
Here are two impressive concept why the Apple Tablet iPad will change industries and create a complete new business potential for many companies.
The First Video was published in December 2009 and shows how a weekly magazine could look like on the iPad.
The Second Video is showing how the iPad could be used in schools and universities.
When I was at King’s College in 1996 in Auckland, New Zealand, there was one “pilot-project” class equipped with Apple PowerBooks (the old black Wallstreet model). But now they could just use the iPad. Imagine how this would influence the way education works.
Here is another very interesting concept for Digital Magazines.
Another Update (18 Feb 2010) with the concept of the WIRED Tablet App