Category: Marketing Innovation


Biomimic Marketing

The new trend in Marketing. Getting a touch of nature into your technology products. Imitate and mime biological structures, gestures and movements and merge it with the latest 3D animation methodoligies – The Result: “Biomimic Marketing”.

Biomimic Marketing in Action – Watch this example from AT&T:

1stAveMachine-CelebrateSpring from MotiongraphicLAB on Vimeo.

Another example of Biomimic Marketing is BMW’s Concept Car “Gina”:


300+ Cases & Examples of Social Media Marketing

Due to recent Social Media Marketing projects at Ahead of Time we did a screening of relevant Social Media Marketing Campaigns, Cases & Examples. Here is a list of more than 300 companies who are active in the Social Media landscape.

The list was started by Peter Kim and I added a few cases.


Bill Gates in Pyjama

Bill and Jerry

Bill Gates and Jerry Seinfeld in a great Video Marketing Campaign for Microsoft Windows.



Great Viral Marketing Campaign by japanese Retailer UNIQLO – Uniqclock:


German Rock Band Tokio Hotel conquers USA

Tokio Hotel live in New York City Tokio Hotel did is first concert in New York City this evening.
Bill, Tom, Gustav and Georg presented their songs in front of over 1000 people. The line in front of the event location was going over three blocks. The main phenoma about the group is that the CD was not even published in the US, yet.

Note for all Marketeers: Everybody who does not understand until today that the teens and twens live in a global digital world, should visit a Tokio Hotel concert. There are even more digital cameras then people in the location. They film everything they can and put online as soon as they get a conncetion. They share the songs via social networking site worldwide or watch the clips on youtube.

Here is a live video of the song “Durch den Monsun” recorded today on Feb. 18th in NY:

Video from the Backdoor:

Video just before the start of the event in front of the concert-location:


Viral Marketing at its Best

Note: Took the video out for now. You can check it out here:

Create your own movie, send it to friends, embed it into your blog, myspace profile or even your facebook account… try it. I really like it.


Red Bull Air Race – Interlaken

This weekend Katarina and I are visiting the Red Bull Air Race in Interlaken. Today we watched the qualification of the pilots.

Thomas showed us around behind the scene of the TV production. The professional team are producing everything on HD-Quality. All plains, screens and cameras are connected wireless. Amazing.

Red Bull Air Race


First Look at Google Video / You Tube Advertising

Today I found a Video from a YouTube User showing the new in-video advertising system for Youtube and Google Video.
Google developed a integrative and intuative solution with an overlay over the running video. It looks pretty easy to use.

Here you can have a look:

Via: Marketing & Strategy Blog


Opening the Q110 – the Deutsche Bank of the future – in Second Life

Monty Go in front of Q110 - Deutche Bank der Zukunft - in Second Life
Today is the big opening of the Second Life project of Q110 – the Deutsche Bank of the future. After many hard working days and nights we are proud to open this exciting project to the public. CScout is attending the Press-Conference today in Berlin, too.

The project-work together with IBM and Vok Dams was powerful and great fun.
More Information on Q110 and the whole project is online at


MINI Starts Video-Blog

Check out this innovative Video-Blog made by the german car-manufacturer MINI.


Brand TV

Audi Logo

Die LA Times (Anmeldung erforderlich) berichtet, dass Audi in United Kingdom mit einem eigenen TV Program gestartet ist.
Angeblich gibt es Pläne diese Sender auch überregional anzubieten.

Audi nimmt in diesem Bereich die Vorreiter-Rolle ein und startet Audi TV.

“The Audi Channel will run 24 hours, seven days a week and is aimed at a mass-market audience: British car owners and car enthusiasts. The launch schedule is split between product-related “infotainment” during the day and more general entertainment-driven material in the evenings and on weekends.”

Der Fernsehkanal wird über Sky Digital an 7,6 Mio Haushalte übertragen. Audi investiert damit allein 2,9 Mio. Euro für die Ausstrahlung und etwa nochmal so viel für die Produktionskosten pro Jahr.

Warum hat sich Audi dazu entschlossen? Aufgrund der neuen Anforderungen im Marketing and der stagnierende Nutzen von klassischer TV-Werbung. Die Sendungen wirken leider noch sehr wie pure Werbung und die Inhalte kommen zu kurz.

Ich bin gespannt wan weitere Werbetreibende nachziehen?



Einfach gut.
Print wirkt also doch.

“If everything’s spinning, keep drinking. The beer is non-alcoholic.”

Nova Schin


Red Bull Community

Via Marcell Reichart

Austrian energy drink maker Red Bull has a proven track-record in successful community marketing. A best example is its sticky RedBullPilot-website which shows great graphics, unless you enjoy a broadband access.

What is the concept of community marketing? Let’s start with communities themselves. Englisch wikipedia gives a good intro. Keywords as far as I think are relationsship, conversation, mores.

Especially innovative marketers seem to build and grow communities around their product. I just learned that BMW had more than 20 mio. downloads with “The Star”, a rather cool and self-ironic short film. The true star is the the BMW5 M5 sedane, besides Guy Richti’s directorship and his wife Madonna’s key act. Top entertainment in 7 minutes. Another cool example, I remember when I flew back from a conference in spring. It was a 90-min. or so film called “Cellular, a hostage-movie where the story was build around a mobile phone, I think it was a Nokia.

I’d like to find further best cases in (digital) community marketing and learn more on the general concept of communities. Who knows more? Why are they instrumental to future marketing?


Erfahrungen eines Frosches – Versuche nicht klever zu sein

Wir haben heute über Advergames diskutiert und sind dazu über zwei Beispiele gestolpert.

Zum Einen ein recht aufwendiges Online Game von Earthlink, names Cyberheroes.

Zum Anderen ein ganz einfaches Spiel namens “hate that frog”.

Also – was lernen wir daraus?


Podcasting Killed the Radio Star

Podcasting Killed the Radio Star 

Podcasting will soon break out of the “pod” and onto the public airwaves.

The world’s first all-podcast radio station will be launched on May 16 by Infinity Broadcasting, the radio division of Viacom.

Infinity plans to convert San Francisco’s 1550 KYCY, an AM station, to listener-submitted content. The station, previously devoted to a talk-radio format, will be renamed KYOURadio.

Infinity, one of the country’s largest radio operators with more than 183 stations around the country, will invite do-it-yourselfers to upload digital audio files for broadcast consideration by way of the website.

“I’m excited,” said Infinity Broadcasting CEO Joel Hollander. “We’re creating a new way to let a lot of people participate personally in radio — sharing their feelings on music, news, politics, whatever matters to them.

“I also think this is going to be a really interesting way to develop new talent,” he added.

The station’s producers will screen submitted content to ensure it meets quality standards and does not violate FCC broadcast guidelines. Approved podcasts will be simultaneously broadcast over the AM airwaves and streamed online at

In addition to the newfound reach promised by radio broadcast, podcasters may be free to include in their podcasts some music from major record labels, Infinity said.

The company said it plans to cover the cost of music-licensing fees, which are prohibitively high for most individuals.

In part because of licensing requirements, which usually cover only broadcast and streaming, the company has no plans to provide downloadable program archives.

Infinity’s Hollander said the decision to launch the “open-source radio” experiment came partly because the San Francisco station’s current format has not been a great financial success.

“This switch won’t be a big gamble for us monetarily, but it’s a potential home run,” said Hollander. “You have to make bets on new forms of technology — some work, some don’t. We’re making a bet that this might become the way people want to communicate.”

Podcasting, a term that combines references to broadcasting and to Apple’s iPod, is a method of online audio distribution that has become increasingly popular of late. Digital sound files are uploaded to a website, and listeners subscribe to automatically load files onto a portable player as they’re made available.

Podcasts consist of any imaginable form of audio content, from spoken-word programs by bloggers to shows made by professional radio organizations.

The company’s podcast-to-broadcast announcement coincides with a flurry of similar, user-contributed projects, including former Vice President Al Gore’s Current TV cable channel; the Open Media Network launched this week by Netscape pioneers Mike Homer and Marc Andreessen; and the grass-roots media archive

Hollander said Infinity does not plan to assert ownership claims on content submitted by podcasters, who will remain free to publish their podcasts on the internet — or anywhere else they choose.

“They can give it to us and give it to somebody else, because we’re not taking anything away from them,” Hollander said. “We’re just helping them reach a broader audience with our bandwidth.”

Hollander said Infinity has no immediate plans to launch similar podcast stations in other cities, or on other radio frequencies.

Unlike most commercial radio stations, KYOURadio will not follow a predictable programming schedule — at least not initially. Over time, Hollander expects programming schedules will evolve in response to listener feedback.

The station may shun schedules, but it’s not ditching advertising. Both the AM broadcast and the online stream will include ads.

Infinity said it may also launch a new advertising program before the end of 2005 that will allow marketers to place audio ads in podcasts elsewhere on the internet. The system would use podcast metatags to match a podcast’s audio content to corresponding ads, much like Google’s keyword-driven AdSense text ads.

Other related possibilities under review include selling podcasters access to radio spectrum, so that individuals or groups can become independent radio broadcasters.

Earlier this month, Infinity announced plans to offer “visual radio,” a service allowing listeners to tune in to FM radio over their mobile phones while receiving artist data and interactive services. Currently offered in Finland only, the system was developed by Nokia and will be hosted by Hewlett-Packard.



Coke Marketing

Coca-Cola setzt auf limitierte Design-Flaschen. Die Star-Designer Manolo Blahnik, Damon Dash, Jonathan Saunders, Wayne Rooney, Gharani Strok und Bay Garnett gestalteten Coca-Cola Flaschen nach Ihren Vorstellungen.

Coke Blahnik Flasche

WHERE Matthew Williamson goes, many will follow. The star British designer turned his hand to Coca-Cola bottles last year and the resulting three limited edition bottles have since become a cult classic. Now, Coca-Cola has turned to the likes of Manolo Blahnik, Damon Dash, Jonathan Saunders, Wayne Rooney, Gharani Strok and Bay Garnett, among others, to add a little of their own magic to the Coke phenomenon. Asked to design “what brings them sunshine”, the stars of fashion, sport and television, who also include Avid Merrion, Trevor Nelson, Del Marquis from the Scissor Sisters, Julian Clary, Sugababes, Jesse Wood and Josh Lewsey, clearly enjoyed themselves. Blahnik was inspired, he said, by simply the joy of “designing something that made him smile”, Rooney thought of “scoring goals”, the Gharani Strok fashion duo thought of “seeing their children smile” while Josh Lewsey simply thought of “jam roly poly”. All the bottles are to be auctioned to raise money for the Terence Higgins Trust, the UK’s leading HIV charity, while versions by Blahnik, Saunders, Del Marquis and Nelson will be reproduced in limited amount to be sold in Harvey Nichols stores nationwide from June.



Artikel im Marketing Journal

In der aktuellen Ausgabe des Marketing Journals ist ein Artikel von mir erschienen.
Marketing Journal Ausgabe April

Frühwarnsystem für Innovationen und neue Entwicklungstrends


BMW Marketing setzt auf Comics.

Der Automobilhersteller BMW startet eine innovative und mutige Marketing-Initiative. In Zusammenarbeit mit der Werbeagentur Fallon hat BMW USA eine Marketing-Kampagne entwickelt um die sportlichen Fahrzeuge durch Comics zu vermarkten.
BMW ComicsBMW Comics als neues Marketing-Instrument

Die Idee ist denkbar einfach: “Wenn es Hollywood gelingt durch Verfilmungen von Comic-Geschichten Zuschauer in die Kinosäle zu locken, warum sollte man dann nicht Comic-Bücher einsetzen um Kunden in den BMW Händler zu locken?”

BMW hat dazu einen Vertrag mit Dark Horse Comics abgeschlossen, um sechs Comic-Bücher zu veröffentlichen. Die Geschichten basieren auf der Handlung der Kurzfilme “The Hire”, besser bekannt als
BMW Comics

Trifft diese Marketing Aktion die richtige Zielgruppe? Werden Menschen wirklich aufgrund des Comics in den BMW Händler gehen?
Werden Jugendliche frühzeitig an die Marke gewöhnt und identifizieren Sie sich mit den Geschichten?

Ich frage mich nur, ob es die Comics auch in Deutschland geben wird?