Watch my Keynote Speech “Digital Transformation of Health Care: the Patient and the App” recorded at Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, Sweden in January 2015.
Healthcare’s Digital Future
Imagine a future where wearable technologies track key areas of your life to provide timely prompts about your health, and the data gathered can be uploaded securely to the cloud. Instead of going into the doctor’s office for a checkup, you would schedule a video consultation to discuss your recent readings. In instances when you need further care, your visits would be coordinated by medical records that flow seamlessly between key members of hospital staff and your care would be supported by relevant information that prepares you for what’s next. Your surgeon would be able to look at your results alongside the wider patient population or seek advice from specialists around the world to determine an optimal treatment plan; the effectiveness of which would determine their compensation.
Digital Health is Driving Innovation
While the realities of the current model of healthcare tell a different story, we’re beginning to see exciting signs of change against daunting challenges. Technologie Trends like Telemedicine, on-demand health checks, on-going real-time patient monitoring, wearable technologies are driving the change of the healthcare industry.
Rather than view these as insurmountable obstacles, Monty Metzger choose to see a landscape full of opportunity. Despite a slow regulatory process a host of new mobile and social tools, sensor technologies and devices are being developed for an industry in need of change.
Are you planning a Health Conference or Medcial Care Managemenet Event? Contact keynote speaker Monty Metzger to get a quote on a speech on the future of healthcare.