Category: Articles & Press


Amazing Robot Technology

Boston Dynamics just released a new video of the Big Dog on ice and snow, and also demoing its walking gait.

During our Manager Tour through Japan we saw a lot of Robo-Lab and amazing things, but this is really fascinating. I found this video on Shai’s blog today.

See the Video of the “Robo-Dog”?


Al Gore wants to shift to clean-energy within 10 years

Today Al Gore was presenting his goals on “clean energy” in Washington D.C.
He is challenging USA to shift the production of every kilowatt of electricity to alternative energy like wind or sun within the next 10 years.

Al Gore on climate change and clean energy

Rising fuel costs, climate change and the national security threats posed by U.S. dependence on foreign oil are conspiring to create “a new political environment” that Gore said will sustain bold and expensive steps to wean the nation off fossil fuels.

“I have never seen an opportunity for the country like the one that’s emerging now,” Gore told The Associated Press in an interview previewing a speech on global warming he was to deliver Thursday in Washington.

Gore said he fully understands the magnitude of the challenge.
The Alliance for Climate Protection, a bipartisan group that he chairs, estimates the cost of transforming the nation to so-called clean electricity sources at $1.5 trillion to $3 trillion over 30 years in public and private money. But he says it would cost about as much to build ozone-killing coal plants to satisfy current demand.

“This is an investment that will pay itself back many times over,” Gore said. “It’s an expensive investment but not compared to the rising cost of continuing to invest in fossil fuels.”

Via AP.


Google starts 3D Virtual World

Lively Google Google launches a 3D Online Virtual World called Lively.

After many rumors, it is now public. Google starts with a Massive-Multiplayer-Online World and targets the users and audience of Second Live.

A great feature is the ability to produce, publish and even sell virtual products on Lively. This might even give companies the opportunity to offer their real products, as virtual products, too. After our projects in Second Life for Deutsche Bank and Axel-Springer, we might do some Lively projects soon.

In its latest quest to expand beyond its main mission of organizing the world’s information, Search engine leader Google is entering into the virtual world business Tuesday with the introduction of “Lively,” a product that lets users create highly personalized 3-D virtual rooms on the web.

Continue Reading..


If the news is important, it will reach me.

In my last speech on the changing media landscape I pointed out that the way news reaches me has changed.

“If the news is important, it will reach me.”

So if any news is really important to me – it will not have to search for it anymore, it will reach me via recommendations, links, emails, twitter etc.
This is turning the news-business around and it is the first step to a “Social Media News” Network.

Here is one example:

NASA announces water on Mars via Twitter. Social networking site redefining how the news reaches us.

Follow MarsPhoenix on Twitter.

When images of what had to be melting ice from the Mars Phoenix Lander told NASA that it had found what it was looking for, the first public pronouncement came not in an all-singing, all-dancing press conference, but through a plain old social networking website.

Those in the know won’t be surprised to hear that Twitter was the vehicle of choice for the geeks at the space agency, marking yet another PR coup for the simple, but addictive site.

Last night’s ebullient NASA tweet read: “Are you ready to celebrate? Well, get ready: We have ICE!!!!! Yes, ICE, *WATER ICE* on Mars! w00t!!! Best day ever!!”

Found on TechRadar.


Location Based Social Network “Plazes” acquired by NOKIA

What a great news today:
Berlin, Germany based Plazes, a location based social network, has been acquired by Finland-based Nokia, the companies are announcing today. The price is not being disclosed.

Congrats to Felix and his whole team.
I invited Felix to speak at our “Trend Slam” Event in Munich (see, where he found one of his VC Investors.

Read the full announcement here:


Smart Shopping Websites

How smart is your Website?

Now researchers at MIT’s Sloan School of Management hope to make websites better at selling products by making them adapt automatically to each visitor, presenting information in a way that complements that person’s style of thinking.

Adaptive Website
Morphing to fit the user: Based on a user’s pattern of clicks, the prototype website for British Telecom, shown above, changes to fit the user by making a guess at the user’s cognitive style. For example, after determining whether he or she thinks in holistic or analytic terms, the website adapts to a form that it deems most likely to sell products to that user.

The researchers’ initial studies show that morphing a website to suit different types of visitors could increase the site’s sales by about 20 percent. While quite a few sites, such as, offer personalized features, many of those sites adapt by drawing information from user profiles, stored cookies, or long questionnaires. The Sloan system, however, adapts to unknown users within the first few clicks on the website by analyzing each user’s pattern of clicks.

Read the full article here:

Article recommended by Sam.


Support the journalists victims of terrorism in Spain yesterday

See Martin’s post about bloggers supporting the leading Basque newspaper bombed by ETA.


Internet will overtake TV as biggest Advertising medium in 2009

Via: Reuters.

MSNBC Reported today that online ad spend will overtake TV in 2009 in the UK.

Here is the full article.

LONDON – The Internet will usurp television as the biggest advertising medium in Britain by the end of 2009, according to a report published on Monday.

Britain has the most developed online advertising market in the world which the report by the Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB), PricewaterhouseCoopers and the World Advertising Research Centre said was worth 2.8 billion pounds ($5.6 billion) in 2007.

It said last year’s 38 percent online ad growth was driven by the rising number of people online, the introduction of cheap laptops and the growing popularity of catch-up TV on the Internet through services such as Channel 4’s 4oD.

“With broadband speeds on the up and consumers spending more time on more sites, the outlook for online advertising is rosy — in fact we expect it to overtake TV in 2009 when it will become the UK’s biggest medium,” IAB chief executive Guy Phillipson said in a statement.

The report said the Internet was the biggest driver of overall advertising growth in 2007, with the entire sector in Britain experiencing 4.3 percent growth to 18.4 billion pounds.

Online ad spend had a market share of 15.3 percent, up from 11.4 percent in 2006, but behind display press advertising at 19.9 percent and TV at 21.8 percent.

Display online advertising, such as banners and video, grew 31 percent while paid-for search marketing was “maturing, but not slowing” as marketers and brands learned to secure a greater return on their investment through “key phrases” and accurate targeting.

Advertising spend on search grew 39 percent, in line with overall growth, to 1.6 billion pounds, while its market share remained largely the same at almost 58 percent. Classified advertising showed 54 percent year-on-year growth.

Among the different sectors, recruitment led the market with 25.7 percent market share, ahead of the automotive sector and technology, which overtook finance for the first time.


The German Entrepreneurs Spirit

When you think of creative and successful entrepreneurs, the world looks to USA? Self-made millionaires, Silicon Valley startups and powerful brands. But last week at the Entrepreneurs-Day 2008 at the beautiful lake Tegernsee you could discover a different view. About 200 Entrepreneurs and Investors from Germany and Switzerland gathered for a two day conference to exchange knowledge and to talk about collaboration opportunities.

Quote: Reinhold Messner

There was still fog over the peaceful lake when I entered the conference hotel. But suddenly I was surrounded by an motivating atmosphere and the sun broke through the fog. The room was packed with a diverse range of people from young twens up to grey haired seniors. There have been smart technicians who developed new technologies for efficient power-consumption, young internet-geeks who designed innovative web applications, as well as pensioners who are now active Business Angels and supporters of young enterprises. But I soon realized that all participants shared something in common: The Entrepreneurs Spirit. This spirit consist of three key elements:
Curiosity to do things differently and to develop the future,
Passion to motivate other people and their team
and the Love about their work and what they do everyday.

The program consisted of a variety of successful Entrepreneurs: Innovative Start-Ups presented their business, Senior Chairmen talked about their experiences, the politician and leader of the Free Democratic Party of Germany (FDP), Guido Westerwelle, presented his view on the dynamics of globalization and finally the famous mountaineer, Reinhold Messner, gave a motivational speech.

Article: Juergen Habichler

So if these people develop the companies everybody is talking about in the next couple of years, what are they working on? And who is really ahead of time?

Jürgen Habichler, Chairman of Cleantech Invest, introduced one major innovation area, called Cleantech. Cleantech is focused on the principle of sustainability and include a wide field of technologies and services, from alternative energy, environment protection to efficient transportation technologies. Solarion develops new ultra thin photovoltaic solar cells and will enter a new market for very flexible and light solar cells while ensuring low production costs. The company ScatterWeb develops wireless sensors for energy management within buildings. And the company PURE trades carbon assets and integrates innovative financial concepts for companies. So Cleantech is definitely a branch to watch closely in the near future.

Dr. Cornelius Boersch, CEO of Mountain Partners AG and Initiator of the Entrepreneurs-Day, is an expert on new media and internet ventures. The conference featured 42 startup presentation. Each speech was limited to 7 minutes and already split the speakers into two group, the experienced elevator pitches and the technology-fanatics who focused on too many details.

One major trend in internet technology is the development of online video. HiClip is young startup who develops white-label solutions for online platforms and websites. They developed a powerful solution for distribution of videos as well as a nice video-player.

Another open market space is secure voice communication. Secusmart is a Spin-Out of Nokia and offers the first practical solution for secure voice calls. Government, CEOs and VIPs can only use huge telephones with many extra equipment to do secure telephone calls via their cell. Now Secusmart offers a cryptographic solution to make any Nokia phone into a secure device.

Unternehmertag 2008 LogoSo the near future will bring us alternative energy solution, new media landscapes and secure mobile communication. These powerful ideas will define and create the trends of the next decades. The entrepreneurs will do their best to make these innovations happen and to establish their technology in the market. So my personal conclusion was, even if the region of lake Tegernsee looked so calm, the Entrepreneurs-Day 2008 was an event where entrepreneurs shared their spirit to create new successful businesses. So you don’t have to travel to the US to find dynamic entrepreneurs, they might be closer then you think…

— — —
Rottach Egern, Tegernsee, April 2008
Article by Monty C. M. Metzger


4 Mio iPhones sold – Apple Stock looses over 10% of value

Steve Jobs just hold his MacWorld Key-Note. He presented a brand-new MacBook called MacBook Air – the thinnest notebook ever.
Steve Jobs and the MacBook Air
Furthermore he said that the iPhone was sold over 4 Million times since the launch 200 days ago – that’s 20.000 iPhones a day.

I think this is great news, or what do you think?
But what happened with the Apple stock?

Apple lost during the Key-Note of Steve Jobs over 10% market share.
See picture below:
Apple Stock Value on MacWorld Speech

Here is a good explanation I found online:
“Outside of last year, which was pretty special, the stock has typically moved up on rumor and down on news. It has followed this pattern as long as I can recall.
Folks are really setting themselves up for disappointment anymore with these things. Apple can’t meet everyone’s expectations and rumors.”


Samwer Brothers invest in Facebook

Oliver Samwer invested in Facebook.
The german samwer brothers (Picture right: Oliiver Samwer) invested in Facebook.
Rumors say that they bought 0,3% of the company for 60 Mio USD. Due to the big currency gab between Euro and Dollar they “just” invested 40 Mio Euros.
The Samwer brothers will also be strategic partners to build up facebook in europe and especially in Germany.

Reuters says: “German Internet entrepeneurs, the Samwer Brothers, have become the latest new shareholders in social networking site Facebook, Alexander Samwer told Reuters on Tuesday. Samwer said the brothers had taken an undisclosed stake in the company and would now become their strategic partners in Europe.”

Read more on Reuters or Techcrunch.


New York Times Stops Subscription for Online Website

New York Times Logo The New York Times will stop charging for access to parts of its Web site, effective at midnight Tuesday night, reflecting a growing view in the industry that subscription fees cannot outweigh the potential ad revenue from increased traffic on a free site.

What changed, The Times said, was that many more readers started coming to the site from search engines and links on other sites instead of coming directly to These indirect readers, unable to get access to articles behind the pay wall and less likely to pay subscription fees than the more loyal direct users, were seen as opportunities for more page views and increased advertising revenue.

“What wasn’t anticipated was the explosion in how much of our traffic would be generated by Google, by Yahoo and some others,” Ms. Schiller said.

Many readers lamented their loss of access to the work of the 23 news and opinion columnists of The Times — as did some of the columnists themselves. Some of those writers have such ardent followings that even with access restricted, their work often appeared on the lists of the most e-mailed articles.

Link to Article: Times to Stop Charging for Parts of Its Web Site


The Power of “weak ties”

Today I want to recommend an interesting book.
It is just released and I might order it soon.

The Book is called Smart World by Richard Ogle.

Book Cover
Since ancient times, people have believed that breakthrough ideas come from the brains of geniuses with awesome rational powers. In recent years, however, the paradigm has begun to shift toward the notion that the source of creativity lies “out there,” in the network of connections between people and ideas. In this provocative book, Richard Ogle crystallizes the nature of this shift, and boldly outlines “a new science of ideas.” The key resides in what he calls “idea-spaces,” a set of nodes in a network of people (and their ideas) that cohere and take on a distinctive set of characteristics leading to the generation of breakthrough ideas. These spaces are governed by nine laws–illuminated in individual chapters with fascinating stories of dramatic breakthroughs in science, business, and art. “Smart World” will change forever the way we think about creativity and innovation.


Real vs. Virtual

NYT released a great story about real people playing virtual games and shows pictures of each player and their avatars.

Second Life - Real Life

Our TrendScout in Korea did something else as an Art Project a couple of years ago. He showed real people and their virtual Mini-Hompy created in Cyworld.
His project was featured in Wired Magazin in 2005.

Cyworld - Art Project


How the iPhone will change the wireless business

Om Malik wrote a great article about how the iPhone will change the wireless business.

Here are the five key-points:
<1> – A true web applications platform for the mobile
<2> – Break the Wireless Walled Gardens
<3> – Shift of control to the customers
<4> – Slow demise of subsidized, boring phones filled with bloat ware
<5> – Keep it simple or else


germany’s next top model ist …

Germany's Next Top Model Party Köln
Jetzt ist es raus.

Nach einer spannenden Show in Köln hat Heidi klum das neue deutsche top model gekürt.

Barbara gewinnt.

Nachdem von den drein finalistinnen zuerst Hanna ausgeschieden ist wurde es spannend.

Die Dreharbeiten im MMC Studio in Köln waren sehr aufwendig und perfekt in Szene gesetzt.

Gratulation Barbara.


Meet Henry

Watch this great presentation…


Author: Rolf Dobelli

I met Rolf Dobelli a while ago. But at my last visit in Luzern last year he gave me two of his current books.
The first book is called:

This book starts with a realistic scenario of a Business Man in Zürich. But soon the Story starts playing with all kind of possibilities. It is fascinating to dive into a World of emotions and realities.

and the second is
“Und was machen Sie beruflich?”.

Rolf’s Books are inspiring and creative.
Thanks Rolf for the nice gift. 🙂

Rolf Dobbeli